Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

After our May 13 election day, comes the proclamation of the winning candidates. And of course, after the proclamation follows the different accusations of the losers being cheated in the election. Only a handful of candidates would admit that they lost in a fair election. And as much as we would want to move forward for our society, there are those people that would want to hamper the progress that should have followed. All I can say about this is that whoever wins, we should support them. You can prepare for 3 years for the next election, but in those 3 years you can also be supportive to the elected officials. That would be better for the majority, that would be better for our town, and even for our country.

Election time

Posted: May 12, 2013 in politics

It’s just a few more hours before the election. A time to exercise our right to vote. Let us vote the candidates that has convinced us that they are the righteous and the able to serve in the public office. And to all the voters out there please be prepared with your list of selected candidates  so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time thinking and choosing inside the polling precincts.  And lastly never forger, VOTE WISELY!

The Wonders of Election

Posted: April 6, 2013 in politics

As election day goes nearer,  the candidates are doing their best to persuade the public to vote for them. Everyday there is a vehicle that goes around the town, playing the jingle for a candidate, plus the vehicle is covered by posters of their faces. Other candidates have their supporters going around various barangays to ask people to support them. Facebook also has its share of election related posts, and some of the other webpages too. Some candidates already have an unfair advantage against the others, especially those that are in position now. I’ve seen public places where the only campaign materials attached are from the incumbent mayors team. All candidates from the opposing team are either not allowed to campaign there, or all their campaign materials are removed. I just hope that this years election would be a fair one, because there was a time when you are a member of the former presidents team, most of the results are very favorable their group, not because they are sure winners, but because we know that there are more ways to win in the election than just honest campaigning. Our election here is really a wonder, especially that time when an alleged jueteng lord is accusing a priest of cheating in the election, and the more amazing thing is that the court justified the claim of the jueteng lord. I really do hope that we will have an honest election this year, our country really needs it.

2013 Elections

Posted: April 4, 2013 in politics

The May 2013 election is fast approaching, it’s just more than a month. New rules for air time for candidates for radio and TV. But this doesn’t cover the candidates air time before they filed their candidacy. We’re seeing more road works, more public building constructions and absolutely too much candidate posters. Road works and constructions that only happens every election year. Voters should have been aware by now that choosing the right public servant is essential for the progress of our town, province and country. And we must see through superficial developments. Repairing roads not broken is also a waste of taxpayer money, and the same buildings that always seem to be built every election year, but always stops after the winner is proclaimed. Not every politician is corrupt, but not every one is honest. Vote for someone you know who will fight for our rights, someone with compassion and someone with a vision for progress.